I will start off with a quick introduction. You will see your DPS above the dummy when it’s calculated. Pyromancer guide I just died on a good 50+ relic run on Agony act 6 and I thought it might be good for the community as well as my mentality to share some of the knowledge I accrued while playing this game. To test your damage, Speak with NPC and click “Test Damage Per Second” and you will see numbers floating above him let him finish counting and do your best to that dummy target untill the countdown above it is finished. You can lock your EXP bar from progressing here. Relics are one of those things that are very important but still end up secondary. They have a chance to unlock a hat or drop: Wormhole key, Runes, Relics, Items, Gems, Keys, and Rubies.ĪKA Vendor/Blacksmith is your shopkeeper NPC. 170 subscribers 5.8K views 1 year ago Hope this video helps you. You can buy Mystery Chests from him for 900 rubies each.

Save & Exit, then open that slot’s herosiege.pas file and look at the itemN and item_collectedN values to see what has changed from 0 to 1.

Start a new game, with a new character, and make note of which relic you got.

One way to do this is to give yourself a bunch of random items in shop.ini:
#Relics hero siege trial
Though they’re not obvious which numbers belong to which relic, so you’d have to figure it through some trial and error. The other thing you can change on an ‘active’ character is what relics you’ve found, and are equipped with. Something else to change is all the potion_n lines to 1.000000 so that all the potions are now identified, and there’s no guesswork or praying that you get a positive bonus from them. 3.1 Relics 4 Leveling from 1-100 5 Hero Levels 5.1 Unlocking Nightmare and Hell 5.2 What if you get stuck 6 What to do after hitting level 100 7 Understanding Satanics 7. You can increase by increments of 50 to find a good speed for yourself. A good starting value for this is 100 not too fast, not too slow. A very useful number to change of course is your speed, so you’re not running around slow as balls for half of the game. There are various other things you can change here too if you load your character and then Save & Exit, that current game session’s values such as speed, gold, wave number, and the number of keys will be loaded the next time you continue your game. Talent_1 is your level 1 talent, talent_2 is your level 6 talent, etc. Strength, swiftness, armor, and stamina are self-explanatory. The permanent stats (white text) you want to look for, and change, in your herosiegeN.pas file are: These are all plaintext files, with values stored like: Shop.ini contains your ‘global’ save values such as the number of crystals, how many of each bonus item you have, and which hats you have unlocked. So the first slot is herosiege0.pas, second slot herosiege1.pas, etc. The herosiegeN.pas files refer to the character save slots. Depending on how many save files you have, you will see one or more “ herosiegeN.pas” files, as well as “shop.ini”.